Monday, September 6, 2010

Interlude And Updated List

Richard Godwin has a hell of a noir (in every definition of the word) story over at Media Virus Magazine.

Titled STEADY AS A ROCK, Richard has created a story of regret and brutality, both to the body and the mind. A few weeks back, Otto Penzler wrote about noir and how it was about losers, not detectives or that kind of thing. This is the kind of story that Richard has given us.

Richard’s story, I believe, as I’ve told him, is a whirlpool world full of losers and that the two main losers, Norman and Susie, get sucked down quickly and easily.

I’m not going to say anything else about this story, except that you should read it as soon as you can.

As for the list portion of this show...


600 - Jimmy Callaway

601 - Richard Godwin

602 - Keith Rawson

603-605 - Open

606 - Phil Beloin Jr.

607 - Robert Crisman

608 - Col Bury

609 - Robert Crisman

610 - Eric Beetner

611 - Chad Eagleton

612-619 - Open

620 - Cindy Rosmus

621 - Tom Larsen

622 - Open

623 - Chris Rhatigan

624 - Des Nnochiri

625 - Lee Hughes

626 - Jim Harrington

627 - Mark Joseph Kiewlak

628 - Richard Godwin

629 - Open

630 - Alan Griffiths

631- Chad Rohrbacher

632 - Jack Getze

633 - Matthew C. Funk

634 - Open

635 - Steve Weddle

636 - Chris Deal

637 - Michael Moreci

638 and 639 - Open

640 - Naomi Johnson

641 - Ron Earl Phillips

642 - Tom Leins

643 and 644 - Open

645 - AJ Hayes

646 - Richard Godwin

647 - Sandra Seamans

648 - Open

649 - Chris Benton

650 - Ian Ayris

651 - Matthew McBride

652 - Jane Hammons

653 - Liam José

654 - Kelly Whitley

655 - R.S. Bohn

656 and 657 - Open

658 - Kevin Michaels

659-661 - Open

662 - Fester McFardle

663 - Cindy Rosmus

664 - Matthew C. Funk

665 - Jim Harrington

666 - Paul D. Brazill (and Paul promises a spooky noir for this one)

667 - Nigel Bird

668 - Katherine Tomlinson

669 - Kieran Shea

670 - Lee Hughes

671 - Dan Ames

672 - Ron Earl Phillips

673 - Cindy Rosmus

674 - Kenny Crist

675 - Michael J. Solender

676 - Phil Beloin Jr.

677 - Frank Bill

678 - Hilary Davidson

679 - Scott Phillips

680 - Matthew McBride

681 - Matthew McBride

682 - Richard Godwin

683 - Kevin Michaels

684 - Al Tucher

685 - Chris Deal

686 - Laurie Powers

687 - Michael A. Gonzales

688 - Patti Abbott

689 - Cormac Brown

690 - B.R. Stateham


692 - Des Nnochiri

693 - Jarrett Rush

694 - Chad Eagleton

695 - Phil Beloin Jr.

696 - Cameron Ashley

697 - Ian Ayris

698 - Eric Beetner

699 - Keith Rawson

700 - Jimmy Callaway

Updated to add: The title/byline and contact information does not count in the word count, just the story.


Ian Ayris said...

That's some list, Christopher. Proud to be part of it, mate.

Ron Earl Phillips said...

Until I saw this list, I didn't imagine the size the queue for this mag. I better submit some stories if I have a chance at 2011, or 2012.


Mighty impressive list coming down the pike.